Personal Website of Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hiller
After studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ulm University and Portland State University from 2006 until 2011, I worked at the Chair of Security in Information Technology at the Technical University of Munich. The title of my dissertation, carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Sigl, is Key Derivation with Physical Unclonable Functions.
In 2016, I joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC in Garching where I was heading the Physical Security Technologies Group. Since 2022, I am Head of the Hardware Security Department and teaching a course on Hardware Security at the Chair of IT Security at the Technical University of Munich.
Book Chapter:
- Michael Pehl, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, Secret key generation for physical unclonable functions, in Information Theoretic Security and Privacy of Information Systems, Rafael Schaefer, Holger Boche, Ashish Khisti, H. Vincent Poor and (editors), Cambridge University Press, pp. 362-389, 2017.
Journal Publications:
- Matthias
Hiller, Ludwig Kürzinger und Georg Sigl, Review of Error Correction for PUFs and
Evaluation on State-of-the-Art FPGAs, Journal or Cryptographic Engineering,
Vol.10(3), pp. 229-247, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- Vincent Immler, Matthias Hiller, Qinzhi Liu, Andreas Lenz and Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Variable-Length Bit Mapping and Error-Correcting Codes for Higher-Order Alphabet PUFs – Extended Version, Journal of Hardware and Systems Security (HASS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2018.
- Matthias Hiller, Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu and Georg Sigl, Cherry-Picking Reliable PUF bits with Differential Sequence Coding, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol.11(9), pp. 2065-2076, 2016.
- Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu, Matthias Hiller, Jeroen Delvaux, Richard Sowell, Srinivas Devadas and Ingrid Verbauwhede, A Lockdown Technique to Prevent Machine Learning on PUFs for
Lightweight Entity Authentication, IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, Vol.2(3), pp. 146-159,2016.
- Michael Pehl, Matthias Hiller and Helmut Graeb, Efficient Evaluation of Physical Unclonable Functions Using Entropy Measures Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1640001, Vol.25(1), 2016.
- Donald D. Duncan, Paul Lemaillet, Mohamed Ibrahim, Quan D. Nguyen, Matthias Hiller and Jessica Ramella-Roman, Absolute Blood Velocity Measured with a Modified Fundus Camera, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 15, 056014, SPIE, 2010.
International Conference and Workshop Publications:
Armando Miguel Garcia and Matthias Hiller, Lightweight Authentication and Encryption for Online Monitoring in IIoT Environments, Esma Aïmeur, Maryline Laurent, Reda Yaich, Benoît Dupont and Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, editors, International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS), LNCS, vol. 13291, Springer, Cham, pp. 253-262, 2021.
- Kathrin Garb, Marc Schink, Matthias Hiller and Johannes Obermaier, Attacks and Countermeasures for Capacitive PUF-Based Security Enclosures, IEEE International conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection on Electronics (PAINE), 2021.
- Ilia Polian, Frank Altmann, Tolga Arul, Christian Boit, Ralf Brederlow, Lucas Davi,Rolf Drechsler, Nan Du, Thomas Eisenbarth, Tim Güneysu, Sascha Hermann, Matthias Hiller, Rainer Leupers, Farhad Merchant, Thomas Mussenbrock, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Akash Kumar, Wolfgang Kunz, Thomas Mikolajick, Vivek Pachauri, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Frank Sill Torres and Jens Trommer, Nano Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure SystemsDesign, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference and Exhibition, IEEE/ACM, pp. 1334-1339, 2021.
- Lukas Auer, Christian Skubich and Matthias Hiller, A Security Architecture for RISC-V based IoT Devices, Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference and Exhibition, IEEE/ACM, 2019.
- Stephan Kleber, Florian Unterstein, Matthias Hiller, Frank Slomka, Matthias Matousek, Frank Kargl and Christoph Bösch, Secure Code Execution: A Generic PUF-driven System Architecture,
Liqun Chen, Mark Manulis and Steve Schneider, editors, Information
Security Conference (ISC), LNCS, vol. 11060, Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg, pp. 25-46, 2018.
- Johannes Obermaier, Florian Hauschild, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, An Embedded Key Management System for PUF-based Security Enclosures, Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), IEEE, 2018.
- Johannes Obermaier, Vincent Immler, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, A Measurement System for Capacitive PUF-Based Security Envelopes, Design Automation Conferenc (DAC), IEEE/ACM, 2018.
- Vincent Immler, Johannes Obermaier, Martin König, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, B-TREPID: Batteryless Tamper-Resistant Envelope with a PUF and Integrity Detection, IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), pp. 49-56, 2018 (Best Paper Award).
- Vincent Immler, Matthias Hiller, Qinzhi Liu, Andreas Lenz and Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Variable-Length Bit Mapping and Error-Correcting Codes for Higher-Order Alphabet PUFs,
Jean-Luc Danger, Sk Subidh Ali and Thomas Eisenbarth, editors,
International Conference on
Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering (SPACE), LNCS,
vol. 10662, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 190-209, 2017.
- Matthias Hiller and Aysun Gurur Önalan, Hiding Secrecy
Leakage in Leaky Helper Data, Wieland Fischer and Naofumi Homma,
editors, Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
(CHES), LNCS, vol. 10529, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp 601-619, 2017.
- Vincent Immler, Matthias Hiller, Johannes Obermaier and Georg Sigl, Take a Moment and have some t: Hypothesis Testing of Raw PUF Data, IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), pp. 92-97, 2017.
- Matthias Hiller, Aysun Gurur Önalan, Georg Sigl and Martin Bossert, Online Reliability Testing for PUF Key Derivation, International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices (TrustED), ACM, pp.15-22, 2016.
- Jeroen Delvaux, Dawu Gu, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Matthias Hiller and Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu, Efficient Fuzzy Extraction of PUF-Induced Secrets:
Theory and Applications, Benedikt Gierlichs and Axel Poschmann, editors, Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and
Embedded Systems (CHES), LNCS, vol. 9813, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp.
413-431, 2016.
- Matthias Hiller, Ludwig Kürzinger, Georg Sigl, Sven Müelich, Sven Puchinger and Martin Bossert, Low-Area Reed Decoding in a Generalized Concatenated Code Construction for PUFs, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium
on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2015 (Best Poster Award).
- Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu, Matthias Hiller, and Srinivas Devadas, Maximum Likelihood Decoding of Device-Specific Multi-Bit Symbols for Reliable Key Generation, IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2015.
- Matthias Hiller, Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu and Michael
Pehl, Systematic Low Leakage Coding for Physical Unclonable Functions, ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), pp. 155-166, 2015.
- Sven Müelich, Sven Puchinger, Martin Bossert, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, On Error Correction for Physical Unclonable Functions, International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC), IEEE, 2015.
- Michael Pehl, Akshara Ranjit Punnakkal, Matthias Hiller and Helmut Graeb, Advanced Performance
Metrics for PUFs, International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), IEEE, pp. 136-139, 2014.
- Florian Wilde, Matthias Hiller and Michael Pehl, Statistical Security Analysis of RO PUFs , International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), IEEE, pp. 148-151, 2014.
- Bernhard Jungk, Leandro Rodrigues Lima and Matthias Hiller, A Systematic Study of Lightweight Hash Function Implementations on FPGAs, International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), IEEE, 2014.
- Matthias Hiller, Leandro Rodrigues Lima and Georg Sigl, Seesaw: An Area-Optimized Low-Power
FPGA Viterbi Decoder for PUFs, EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), IEEE, pp. 387-393, 2014.
- Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, Increasing the Efficiency of Syndrome Coding for PUFs with Helper Data Compression, Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference and Exhibition, IEEE/ACM, 2014.
- Matthias Hiller, Michael Weiner, Leandro Rodrigues Lima, Maximilian Birkner and Georg Sigl, Breaking through Fixed PUF Block
Limitations with Differential Sequence Coding and Convolutional Codes, International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices (TrustED), ACM, pp. 43-54, 2013.
- Matthias Hiller, Georg Sigl and Michael Pehl,A New Model for Estimating Bit Error Probabilities of Ring-Oscillator PUFs, International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), IEEE, 2013.
- Matthias Hiller, Fabrizio De Santis, Dominik Merli and Georg Sigl, Reliability Bound and Channel Capacity of IBS-based Fuzzy Embedders, NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), IEEE, pp. 213-220, 2012.
- Matthias Hiller, Dominik Merli, Frederic Stumpf and Georg Sigl, Complementary IBS: Application Specific Error Correction for PUFs, IEEE International Symposium on
Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), pp.1-6, 2012.
Technical Reports and Peer-Reviewed Workshops without Proceedings:
Georg Bramm, Matthias Hiller, Christian Hofmann, Stefan Hristozov, Maximilian Oppelt, Norman Pfeiffer, Martin Striegel,
Matthias Struck and Dominik Weber, CardioTEXTIL: Wearable for Monitoring and End-to-End Secure Distribution of ECGs,
IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2021.
- Georg Maringer, Marvin Xhemrishi, Sven Puchinger, Kathrin Garb, Hedongliang Liu, Thomas Jerkovits, Ludwig Kürzinger, Matthias Hiller and Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Analysis of Communication Channels Related to Physical Unclonable Functions,
Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC), 2021.
- Vincent Immler, Johannes Obermaier, Martin König, Matthias Hiller and Georg Sigl, Next-Generation Anti-Tamper Envelopes for Cyber Physical Defense Systems, NATO SCI-300 Specialists’ Meeting on Cyber Physical Security of Defense Systems, 2018.
- Matthias Hiller, Michael Pehl, Gerhard Kramer and Georg Sigl,Algebraic Security Analysis of Key Generation with Physical Unclonable Functions,Security Proofs for Embedded Systems Workshop (PROOFS), 2016.
- Stephan Kleber, Florian Unterstein, Matthias Matousek, Frank Slomka, Frank Kargl and Matthias Hiller, Design of the Secure Execution PUF-based Processor (SEPP), TRUDEVICE Workshop on Secure Hardware and Security Evaluation, 2015.
- Stephan Kleber, Florian Unterstein, Matthias Matousek, Frank Kargl, Frank Slomka and Matthias Hiller, Secure Execution Architecture based on PUF-driven Instruction Level Code Encryption, IACR ePrint Archive, Report 2015/651.
- Sven Müelich, Sven Puchinger, Martin Bossert, Matthias
Hiller and Georg Sigl, Error Correction for Physical Unclonable Functions using Generalized Concatenated Codes, International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (ACCT), 2014.
Non-scientific publications:
- Johann Heyszl, Georg Sigl, Andreas Seelos-Zankl and Matthias Hiller, Referenzpapier
Vertrauenswürdige Elektronik, 2022.
- Thorsten Holz, et al., Cybersecurity Research: Challenges and Course of Action, 2019.
- Matthias Hiller and Michael Pehl, Physical Unclonable Functions – Das Geheimnis aus der Hardware, Technik in Bayern pp. 16-17. 06/2018.
- Matthias Hiller, Michael Pehl and Georg Sigl, Fehlerkorrekturverfahren zur sicheren Schlüsselerzeugung mit Physical Unclonable Functions, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), Vol. 39 (4), Springer, pp. 229-233, 2015.
- Jörg Fischer, Manfred Paeschke, Frank Fritze, Lazar Kulikovsky, Matthias Hiller, Julian Horsch, and Sascha Wessel, Smartphone lesbares Muster und Material, assignee Bundesdruckerei GmbH, DE102018102015A1, WO2019149525A1, EP3746992A1, CN111699517A, filed 2018.
- Matthias Hiller, Michael Weiner,and Georg Sigl, A method and an apparatus for deriving secret information from a series of response values and a method and an apparatus for providing helper data allowing to derive a secret information, EP 2773061, assignee: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, issued 2015.
Invited Talks
- 18/03/2022 – Panelist at the Open Source Hardware European Alliances and iNitiatives Workshop, online.
- 27/05/2021 – RISC-V Processors for Trusted Electronics, Silicon Saxony Day, online.
- 17/03/2021 – RISC-V Prozessoren für Vertrauenswürdige Elektronik, Silicon Saxony Arbeitskreis IC Design,
- 18/01/2021 – SeCoIIA: Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets, 1st Workshop on Industrial infrastructures Cyber Security for Advancing Collaborative manufacturing, online.
- 06/05/2020 – A Security Architecture for RISC-V based IoT Devices, Huawei Online Future Device Summit 2020, online.
- 11/07/2018 - PUF-basierter Tamperschutz für Cyber Physical Systems, CODE Workshop, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- 14/05/2018 - Creating Trust between the Physical and the Digital World, Berlin Innovation Summit, Berlin.
- 27/03/2018 – Variable-Length Error Correction for PUF-based Tamper Protection, COSIC Seminar, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- 12/12/2017 – Tamper Resistant Envelope, Hardware Security Workshop, Continental Theves AG, Frankfurt.
- 29/11/2017 – PUF Research at Fraunhofer AISEC, Munich Workshop on Physical Unclonable Functions, Technical University of Munich.
- 07/11/2017 – A controlled link between IoT devices and the Cloud, Workshop on Cryptography for the Internet of Things and Cloud, Ruhr University Bochum.
- 15/09/2017 – Sichere Eingebettete Systeme – Supply and Distribution Chain, WEKA FACHMEDIEN, Munich.
- 13/09/2017 – Combining Cyber and Physical Security to protect your Assets in the Field, Industrial and Corporate Security Forum, Hamburg.
- 24/11/2016 – Tying Cloud Access to Circuit Variation, Cloud Security Expo
Europe, Frankfurt.
- 23/11/2016 – Tying Cloud Access to Circuit Variation, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden.
- 22/07/2015 – Systematische Low Leakage Codierung für Physical Unconable Functions, Open Labs Workshop of the IT Security Network Munich, Siemens Forum, Munich.
- 06/07/2015 – Systematic Low Leakage Coding for Physical Unclonable Functions, Institute of Theoretical Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
- 27/11/2014 – My Home was my Castle - Privacy and
Security in Times of Big Data and the Internet of Things, collegium oecumenicum Bamberg.
- 15/10/2014 – Differential Sequence Coding – A New Key Generation Technique for Physical Unclonable Functions, HGST – a Western Digital Company, San Jose (CA), USA.
- 21/03/2013 – Hardware Attacks on Physical Unclonable Functions in Embedded Security Systems, Workshop on Applied Cryptography (WAC), Nanyang Technological University,